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OGLCONSOLE is a versatile drop-down console for OpenGL applications that use SDL, GLUT, GtkGlArea, QGLWidget, and more. (Currently only SDL support is implemented.)

Email, continued development, and money

It ought to be noted to some of you that I have not had access to the email address listed here previously. I have updated it today (5/18/06) to reflect the only email address that I will be using until I can pay to have my computer repaired. That address is donny.viszneki@gmail.com, you can click "Contact" for a link. Thanks for your interest in OGLCONSOLE. I would very much like to see it reach greater maturity, and will work on it as soon as I am able. Features planned for the near future include the possibility of full terminal emulation including color and bold text, GLUT integration, support for "placing" the terminal in virtual space, loading your own fonts at runtime, and creating terminals of different dimensions. Your donations will go a long way to getting my computer running again. Please consider making a donation by visiting the following site:


It should also be noted that the current CVS version of OGLCONSOLE fixes many simple bugs that cause corruption of the command input line.


OGLCONSOLE version 0.2 is now available, click download to get it. The changes are pretty small, as the aim of this library is pretty small:


I developed a 2D game using SDL and decided to use SDL_console as a way to achieve rich control over my application without the extra effort of having to create a GUI element for each function which could more easily be defined as a command-line interaction.
I communicated frequently with the maintainer of SDL_console and studied the code and the design extensively. The experience of that SDL_console has gone into OGLCONSOLE, and many lessons learned in the former have served very well in designing and implementing the latter.
From that time I decided I would never write another game without an interactive console. So I created OGLCONSOLE to meet the following requirements: